The Can of Cream of Mushroom Soup

So all you need to know is that Justin started dinner for me one night and the classic Male Thought process vs. Female Thought process situation ensued:

If you don't know what "Captain Moon's Beer Song" is refering to, check out this video. The Video is not, in fact, Captain Moon Singing, but it's the basic jist of the song. If you want to see Captain Moon himself sing it, come to the Virginia Ren Fair!! He sings it every day around noon! (at least he has in past years)

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Editing my book, my husband started an interesting conversation which ultimately prompted me to contemplate the importance of detail in my writing.

Steamed Beef Dumplings

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Thai Chicken Curry

I love this simple tasty recipe for chicken thai curry. It's bascially one of those easy dump-and-cook recipes that I keep in my back pocket for week days! I hope you like it too!